Economic footprint

The Sugar Cane Agroindustry is a fundamental economic engine for Guatemala. Every year, we generate an economic footprint of more than Q12,122 million (estimated at USD$1,534 million), reaching 92% of the municipalities of the country benefiting urban and rural areas. 

Employment generation 

During Zafra [Harvest] 2023/24, we generated 51,666 direct jobs, hired by the engineers. In addition, it is estimated that around 258,330 are the indirect jobs generated by the economic boost of the sector. These jobs are generated in new businesses and services, from mechanical workshops to local shops and dining rooms. 

Trabajadores de la agroindustria de la caña de azúcar


direct jobs generated during Zafra 2023/24


Economia local

Revitalization of the local economy 

In addition to generating employment, the Harvest promotes economic reactivation on the South Coast of Guatemala. The mills hire 6,014 suppliers of goods and services, which contribute to local and national economic growth, and generate jobs. 

The mills in the Asociación de Azucareros de Guatemala [Association of Sugar Producers of Guatemala]Asazgua– distribute about Q3 billion (estimated at USD$380 million) every year in wages and salaries. In addition, employees receive benefits such as access to health services, training and wellness programs.