El pasado martes 8 de diciembre el Ministerio de Educación por medio de la Dirección General de Acreditación y Certificación -Digeace- hizo entrega de los…
La Fundación del Azúcar -Fundazúcar- y Escuela de Gobierno inauguraron el viernes 4 de diciembre el Diplomado de Gestión Municipal dirigido a funcionarios públicos municipales.
131 jóvenes lograron el sueño de convertirse en profesionales, con becas otorgadas por los ingenios azucareros concluyeron su especialización en carreras técnicas en INTECAP.
Nuevo Hospital de Santa Lucía contará con tecnología de última generación donada por ingenios azucareros. Con la donación del terreno de mil metros cuadrados y…
La Agroindustria Azucarera, además de contribuir con donaciones a las autoridades, ha impulsado y apoyado proyectos enfocados en la búsqueda de soluciones para enfrentar la…
The Guatemalan Sugar Industry presented its Policy of Respect for Human Rights that reaffirms the Sugar Industry’s commitment to observe and fulfill the fundamental rights…
Faced with the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, the Guatemalan sugar mills through their social arm, Fundazucar joined with the Guatemalan Association of Exporters…
On July 30th, in a virtual press conference, the Guatemalan Sugar Industry presented the prototype of the first mechanical respirator designed and manufactured in Central America,…
Aware of the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has on Guatemala; one more time, the Guatemalan Sugar Industry stand in solidarity and unite in support of…
The Guatemalan Sugar Industry donated 110,231 pounds of sugar in solidarity with families affected by the health emergency caused by the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic. The sugar…
In the face of the health emergency caused by the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic, Guatemalan sugar mills show solidarity and donated 1 million USD to equip the temporary hospital to…
Guatemala, through the Guatemalan Sugar Producers Association – Asazgua, was one of the founding members of the United Nations Global Network: Sustainable Water and Energy…
Through the Forest Restoration and Recovery Program, propelled by the Guatemalan Sugar Mills and the Institute for Research on Climate Change (ICC). In the framework…
The Guatemalan Sugar Industry, together with the Direction of Road Safety and Protection -Provial- of the Government of Guatemala and the multinational company 3M, inaugurated…