As part of the commitment to the conservation of biodiversity, the Guatemalan Sugar Industry has assumed the responsibility of preserving and protecting mangroves and wetlands located on farms where sugar cane is grown.
There are actions that have been carried out directly by the Sugar Industry individually or collectively, and indirectly through the Climate Change Institute -ICC- with financing for actions in the conservation and restoration of mangroves and other forests along the basins.
With the technical support of the ICC and the German Technical Cooperation -GIZ-, the guidelines for the preservation and restoration of biological diversity in the production of Sugar in Guatemala were prepared, which is a guide that guides the actions of the Guatemalan Sugar Industry.

Guidelines related to mangroves and wetlands include:
- In the expansion of new cultivation areas, modification of the water system within the farms that could put the permanence of the mangrove forest and any type of wetland at risk should be avoided. Protection will be provided for the freshwater bodies that feed this ecosystem.
- Do not change the use of land in the flood-prone areas and natural wetlands that are found within the farms and their protection is promoted.
- New cultivation areas will not be expanded within protected areas or wetlands recognized by the RAMSAR convention.

The biological wealth that has refuge and lives in the sugar cane agro-landscape is a treasure that must be cared for, because the work of protecting biological biodiversity is a commitment to which we are all called.